Quickly locate the digital manuals you need for your appliance or device troubleshooting needs using the search feature of OlaBar. OlaBar comes standard with helpful tools and features to help you find what you’re looking for, stay in the know on weather and news, and quickly navigate to your favorite sites straight from your desktop. Enjoy a useful omni-present search application located conveniently on your desktop with browsing capability, and search results on Olabar are powered by Yahoo.
Quickly find manuals, information, and more on the web
Navigate to sponsored quicklinks right from your home screen
Stay up to date on the weather throughout the week
View national and global news from a variety of sources
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Discover Ola's Features
Manuals Search
OlaBar allows you to quickly search for manuals, whether you’re troubleshooting a device or exploring new gadgets. It’s your go-to resource for finding instructions and information.
Weather Updates
Get real-time forecasts, temperature updates, and weather conditions right at your fingertips. Whether you’re planning an outdoor activity or simply curious, OlaBar keeps you in the know.
News Feed
Stay up-to-date with the latest headlines, trending stories, and relevant news. Whether it’s world events, technology updates, or entertainment news, OlaBar keeps you connected.
Quick Links
Create personalized bookmarks for your frequently visited websites. Whether it’s your favorite news site, work dashboard, or online shopping platform, OlaBar's quick link feature keeps them just a click away.
To download, visit us on your Windows Desktop device